Have you ever considered using Craigslist for your next home purchase? Perhaps it’s just reserved for that broken toaster or teal ottoman you’ve had your eye on. Susanne Casey not only helped one client purchase a house on Craigslist, but THREE clients for the SAME house, over a span of 2 years—poor woman. In this episode, Leigh interviews Susanne Casey from Columbus, Ohio, who takes us into her Craigslist buying fiasco and why sometimes we’re just better off calling a realtor.
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Time Stamped Show Notes:
- 00:20 – Introduction to today’s episode
- 00:40 – Today, Leigh welcomes Susanne Casey!
- 01:00 – Susanne is located in Columbus, Ohio
- 01:05 – Real estate is Susanne’s 3rd career
- 01:20 – She started as an agent and now has her own team
- 01:39 – Susanne does charity work with a client
- 03:00 – Susanne is finally sharing her real-estate story!
- 03:02 – Susanne had a Craigslist house that she helped a buyer purchase 3 times in 2 years
- 03:27 – In 2008, Susanne had a great client that saw a house in Craigslist that was listed for sale by the owner
- 04:25 – The house was overpriced and had 3 owners/decision-makers involved
- 05:20 – Susanne asked for a lower offer than posted
- 06:10 – Susanne and her buyer went to visit the house and made an offer
- 07:00 – The seller rejected the offer and Susanne’s buyer agreed to go with the listing price; the house was sold
- 07:44 – After almost a year, Susanne saw the house listed again on Craigslist by her client that she had helped purchase the house in the first place
- 08:19 – The previous owners wanted to move back
- 08:50 – Susanne brought in new buyers who bought the house
- 09:06 – 8 months later, the house was on Craigslist again!
- 09:13 – The couple who bought the house was getting a divorce
- 09:38 – Susanne brought another buyer in who was represented by a family member that was a commercial agent
- 10:00 – The buyer lived in the neighborhood for 20 years before and the house hasn’t been on Craigslist since
- 10:43 – Leigh’s takeaways from Susanne’s story
- 12:20 – Contact Susanne Casey through her Susanne@SusanneCasey.com and at 614-313-8198
3 Key Points
- Putting your house on Craigslist can cause more hassle than it’s worth.
- Realtors can help you make the right decisions to save money and time.
- Don’t ever have the two parties, buyer and seller, in the same place.