Don’t think you need an LLC as a real estate investor? Think again! Jennifer Gligoric, the owner and co-founder of Leafy Legal Services, has seen all the ugly that comes with not having your assets protected. She helps her clients put structures and layers of protection in place so they aren’t left exposed in legal situations. Listen in to hear Jennifer’s CSIRE story, and learn how the victims could’ve saved tens of thousands in legal fees had they had an LLC in place.
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Time Stamped Show Notes:
- 01:30 – Introducing Jennifer and what she does
- 02:10 – She is the co-founder and owner of Leafy Legal services; they help real estate investors with asset protection and estate planning
- 02:30 – She started with a law firm and has been an entrepreneur for 20 years; she knows why businesses tank and it’s always HR
- 03:40 – She helps entrepreneurs put structure and layers of protection in place; lawsuits are rampant and its easy for a lawyer to put a lien against a property
- 06:00 – Why it’s important to protect your assets
- 06:20 – Lawyers look at the value of your assets, not what you owe
- 07:00 – Jennifer’s CSIRE story
- 07:00 – This wasn’t her personal story, but she dealt with in an ancillary way
- 07:15 – A realtor sold a home that was never disclosed to have been a meth house
- 07:20 – The family who moved in started to get sick, as did the neighbors, and the landlord got sued
- 07:40 – The lawyers attached lien after lien to every piece of property they could – none of their property was protected
- 08:00 – The people had to spend $62,000 of legal fees just to prove they didn’t know the house was a meth house
- 08:30 – How the mess could have been less messy
- 08:40 – The family was decimated by legal fees just to prove they didn’t know; they had to hire great lawyers because the suing family also had great lawyers
- 09:00 – Jennifer’s firm could’ve helped avoid liens; she could’ve set them up from the beginning so their assets were protected
- 10:00 – With Leafy, there would’ve been nothing for the lawyers to “get” and lien
- 10:50 – On having an LLC
- 11:00 – You want anonymity; you want to transfer house deeds out of your name as soon as you buy them
- 12:30 – How to contact Jennifer (she can work in all 50 states!)
- 13:00 - Go to to book a consult
- 13:30 – Type in the code crazyshit2019 for $51 off
3 Key Points
- It’s always HR!
- You DO need to protect yourself and your assets.
- Get an LLC and protect your assets!