If you want to generate passive income, dial into this episode with Sarah Miskelly to navigate the wonders of real estate syndications! From being a property manager, REALTOR®, and investor, Sarah also reveals how she excelled in these facets of real estate early on and the crazy stories that come with them.
Key takeaways to listen for
Resources mentioned in this episode
If you are an aspiring female investor who wants to create passive income, participate in the “Passive Real Estate Wealth Summit” to discover the tools and tactics of 10+ female real estate investing experts and start building wealth. Join the waitlist at https://www.passiverealestatewealth.com/.
About Sarah Miskelly
Sarah is a real estate investor, Founder of Hylee Capital, and host of the Endless Wealth Podcast. She specializes in empowering women to achieve financial success through strategic wealth management. Along with her partners, they’ve acquired 14,000+ units and $400M in real estate. She works to educate and support through the complexities of real estate investing to maximize people’s knowledge, confidence, and returns.
Connect with Sarah
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